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RNC Looking to Recruit Hispanics for GOP HISPANIC
The Republican Party is a home for Hispanics across the country. We are engaging the community, hearing their concerns, and sharing our values and ideas. As we look to the future, Republicans have made a commitment to take our message …
18 months ago, desperate for change, the voters of Illinois sent an unmistakable message to Springfield - we have had enough! Governor Bruce Rauner and Republicans in the Legislature went to work day one. We’re taking on the special interests …
Gloria Campos - New Chairman of IL RNHA
Gloria Campos, a conservative Republican, is the new Chairman of the Illinois Republican National Hispanic Assembly (IL RNHA). Campos replaces Deb Leticia Gordils, who is the new IL RNHA National Committeewoman and is involved in an effort to expand the RNHA …
From the Blog
ILRNHA Supports Gov Rauner on Syrian Refugees Decision
The Executive Board and members of the Illinois Republican National Hispanic Assembly (ILRNHA) support Governor Bruce Rauner’s decision to temporarily suspend accepting new Syrian refugees into IL. A decision he made after the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, France. Today …
Adryana Boyne celebrates with George W. Bush on his Birthday!
Former RNHA Leader and a guest speaker at the last National Convention held in Chicago and hosted by Illinois RNHA team under John Guevera celebtating with George Bush on his Birthday. Adryana Boyne is no Hispanic newcomer to the Republican …